The Big Questions | Second Season

21 modules
313 minutes
About the course
The Big Questions | Second Season

Our heroes have already challenged you to answer everything about their lives. Now it's your turn to ask! We have prepared a list based on the most frequently asked questions on the internet for our heroes to help you find the answers. If you have an important question to ask but cannot find it on this list, please let us know and we will do everything we can to help you find the answers you are looking for.

Course Program
Lesson 1
How to study the Bible?
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 2
The Great Controversy: the fight of good vs. evil
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 3
Where did I come from and where am I going?
12 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 4
Does God love me?
13 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 5
How to be saved?
25 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 6
Do I need to be baptized?
15 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 7
Are we predestined for salvation? Do we have free will?
30 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 8
Am I saved by Law or Grace?
30 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 9
Why do I have to follow so many rules? 10 Commandments
28 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 10
What is the purpose of the sanctuary?
20 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 11
What is justification by faith?
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 12
When will Jesus return?
15 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 13
What happens at the final judgment?
15 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 14
How to worship God?
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 15
What is apostasy according to the Bible?
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 16
Is there one true church?
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 17
What is the message of the first angel?
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 18
What is the second angel's message?
5 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 19
What is the third angel's message?
10 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 20
What will eternal life be like? (Part 1)
15 minutes
Start lesson
Lesson 21
What will eternal life be like? (Part 2)
10 minutes
Start lesson
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